Wienerschnitzel is the World’s Largest Hot Dog Chain, with more than 330 restaurants located primarily in the southwestern United States. However, it faces a unique problem; people are simply grossed out by hot dogs and the mysterious ingredients that go into them. 
Because of these unhealthy associations, many people see hot dogs as a food only for special occasions.​​​​​​​
Wienerschnitzel hoped to eliminate negative consumer perceptions of hot dogs to increase primary demand for the food, which would subsequently increase consumption at all distribution points. 
To do so, it wanted to elevate the hot dog for a new occasion: celebrating all of the small daily victories worthy of sharing a hot dog with loved ones.

The National Student Advertising Competition is an annual contest hosted by the American Advertising Federation that allows students to create an integrated marketing campaign for a real national client to compete against other universities’ communications programs. During the 2018-19 school year, my sophomore year at Penn State University, the client was Wienerschnitzel.
I served on the Strategy and Creative teams within The Nittany Group to develop a campaign titled “Relish the Moment." With the “Relish the Moment” campaign, The Nittany Group won the 2nd Place prize in District 2, which was comprised of 14 universities. 
View some highlights from the winning pitch below:
View The Full Campaign Below:

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